SAE and FFA Participation
Students enrolled in this class are considered members of the FFA Chapter.
Each student will be responsible for attending no less than three FFA activities each semester (6 per year). These activities occur both during and after the regularly scheduled school day. Students will be notified of these opportunities throughout the semester. Each activity counts as 50 points towards the student’s overall grade (150 points total each semester).
Students are also responsible for completing a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) project throughout the semester. This project requires each student to complete no less than 10 hours of work per semester (20 hours per school year), outside of the classroom, on an agriculturally related project. Students will be given more information in class, but this project will count as 200 points towards the student’s overall grade each semester.

Click here to learn how to get connected
The Warner Springs FFA in is an intra-curricular program that is designed to enhance your experiences in science and agriculture in an out of the classroom. The Warner Agriculture Department strives to develop you the members as future leaders. It is our hope that the skills you will gain from the program will prepare you for future careers and higher education.
The FFA is a nonprofit and nonpolitical agricultural youth organization designed for the development of leadership, the advancement of agriculture technology, and improvement of agricultural life. Our school; Warner Springs FFA program was charted in 1995. Today Warner Springs FFA has over 65 active members that participate in chapter meetings, Field days and go to conferences.
The opportunities for FFA members are endless. The schools facilities include over two acres consisting of two farms, a wood and welding/auto shop, and a student managed horticulture unit including a vineyard, greenhouse, aquaponic system and shade house. Students have the advantage to utilize any of the agriculture units to explore and develop their interests in agriculture. Students are able and encouraged to attend monthly chapter meetings to learn about what is happening with the chapter. Members interested in being more engaged have the opportunities to attend leadership conferences, and join judging teams (CDE’s) to compete at Field Days across the state. There are also speech contests, Supervised Agriculture Experience Proficiency awards, degrees, scholarships and so many more amazing possibilities available to any students interested.
Livestock/ Fair Projects
It is that time of year again! Time to get excited for animal projects!
Students enrolled in agriculture classes have the opportunity to raise animals that will be exhibited at the Ramona Jr Fair. If this is something that interests you please be listening and asking your questions about projects in your agriculture class.
Members may exhibit;
Market: Swine, Goats, Sheep, Steers, Rabbits, Chickens, and Turkeys.
Breed/Dairy: Goats, Sheep, Cattle, Cavy’s, Rabbits, Chickens
The first parent information meetings will be held at the end of January.
Agri-Science Project
Starting this semester each student will be responsible for completing an agri-science project.
Projects should be completed on campus (approvals can be made to conduct project at home). Class time will be provided for students to work on their projects. Students who complete their project and present it at the agri-science project fair held in May, will be able to count this project as their SAE project.
Livestock/ Fair Projects
It is that time of year again! Time to get excited for animal projects!
Students enrolled in agriculture classes have the opportunity to raise animals that will be exhibited at the Ramona Jr Fair. If this is something that interests you please be listening and asking your questions about projects in your agriculture class.
Members may exhibit;
Market: Swine, Goats, Sheep, Steers, Rabbits, Chickens, and Turkeys.
Breed/Dairy: Goats, Sheep, Cattle, Cavy’s, Rabbits, Chickens
The first parent information meetings will be held at the end of January.